Hall of Honor
This list is to honor those visionary residents of Douglas County who saw the need for a place for children to stay and be cared for while the adults worked things out. They banded together and served on the board of directors. Through their hard work, Austin’s House went from an idea to a full-fledged facility.
Some, like Linda Cuddy-Stieber and Terry Palmitier, were there from the beginning. Others got involved a little later and served to keep the organization afloat, and still others came along to continue the vision. Thank you all for your tenacity and service to the children and our community!
Pat Anderson
Jen Almeida
Clelie Arroyo
Sue Bennett
Doug Bradshaw
Cheryl Bricker
Conrad Buedel*
Sheila Byington
Ernest Carey
Marti Cheney
Patty Clark
Erin Clubb
Chelsae Colbert
Sarah Coverly
Linda Cuddy-Stieber*
Kathy Ellam
Chris Ellison
Irene Evans
Karen Goode
Ollie Hayden
Kyle Holmstrom
Paul Howell
Caren Jenkins
Jenni Johnson
Jenny L. Johnson
Cassandra Jones
Pat King
Sabrina Laney
Wendy Lay
Michael Lewis
Alicia Main
Jacquie Manoukian
Jason Martin
Danielle McGillivray
Kathleen Miller
Pete Nelson
Barb Nicholas
Diane Ortenzio-Cooling*
Terry Palmitier*
Jim Pandl
Tom Pfoh
Ron Pierini
Natasha Powell
Pam Pugliese
Gary Pyle
Doug Ritchie
Debra Ross
Monica Ross
Dina Salvucci
Ron Santi
Vicki Sauer-Lamb
David Shriver
Darin Skilling
Danny Villalobos
Kristin Wyatt
Pam Wise
Jennifer Yturbide